Monday, July 19, 2010



Just got back from another tiring training. To a surprise… I did come back for a surprise!!!! Ha ha ha funny. I got back yesterday. Mannnn.. it was so tiring. I rush little bit though, because I miss you… a lot!!!… but seems you do not share the same kind of feelings I guess. Tak pa.. life goes on.

Anyway… lets talk about SEPI… hmm I wrote about this once, long time ago in my previous blog. Now I do feel it. Apa ya saya cari dan rasa? Well it was made clear what I wanted… but I forgot that I was in the wrong so a minus point for me.. he he he.

In life you tak boleh mengharap sangat. Lebih-lebih lagi kalau you dah bersalah. Orang berubah Shahidir, tak semua pemaaf macam awak. Tak semua fikir macam awak. Tak semua rasa cinta macam yang awak rasa. Awak bersalah kan… lupa?

Kadang-kadang Allah dah tentukan, apa pun yang terjadi, adalah untuk kita melihat sendiri sikap dan sifat seseorang itu. Walaupun kita bagi setinggi gunung pun, yang bersalah tetap akan bersalah di mata orang. Come on man you been there and done that!!!! So awak kena terima. Teruskanlah hidup…. Get the message Shahidir…!!! you are a Big Fat Pig with Candy and today you also are budus… (Bodoh lah tu maksudnya..). So.. live with it!!!

Anyway, you are not you like before. Bangun Shahidir… bangun… remember… Allah ada. It was meant to be that in this life… for second chance…. You have only your daughters… tak payah berangan-rangan nak harap cinta…. Tak akan ada walau seikhlas mana pun awak Shahidir!!!!

To you, I wish you well. Good for telling the truth how you felt. Otherwise I will always be in my fantasy thinking that you love me….