Hmmm I went out last time with Orange just to ease my mind. Came across to a Padi Field. I never saw such beautiful scenery in my life. To be honest, this is my second time seeing the actual Padi Field. Last time when I was very young (compared to my age now ha ha ha). I think I was about 7 or 8, arwah Ayah brought all of us to Kelantan kampong Mek Som during Zahrain engagement. But I was young then, so I do not much appreciated the beauty and scenery of a Padi Field.
However, this time… using of course my cheap Cannon camera, (which I akan beli yang mahal kalau dapat duit banyak ha ha ha) I managed to get some pictures I took from a Padi field. So sharing and trust me… kuasa Allah swt tiada bandingan. Thank you Allah for blessing all human kind.
Well guys I am not a photog kind of guy… but kalau tengok live where I have been lah kan… telling you… memang cantik. Sampai mintak orang kampung ambik gambar I... he he he