Al-Fatihah to Ayah, Bapak and Shahira. Have a good weekend
I saw The Descendent. George Clooney as Mat King with his two daughters Scotie 10 and Alex 17. It is about a man having his wife in coma and forced to become single parents when he finds out that his wife, Elizabeth will never wake up. Life issues all around with family trustee and later finding out that the wife is having an affair with a married man. Good movie.
Anyway in my point of view, it is about a man who trying to make better of his life being busy of work and thinking of the family future, which left him his responsibility as a husband ending up the wife having an affair with a married man.
So today morning when I ran then pergi kubur, I realize that now my concentration is to my daughters. Although they are with their mum and father, as their actual dad, my responsibility to make their life at the best that I can. I will follow Clooney advise “you give your children enough money to do something but not enough to do nothing”.
The movie also reminds me of me. How I love till I have lost. I had drinks and we spoke about a lot of things. I can see that how you have move on. Then I questioned myself, what am I doing here with you? Why am I doing all this? Life should go on. I should think of my kid’s future. I should think of my future. Then suddenly the answer came… it is because my love for you, now and till eternity.
I asked questions for me to know that everything with you is ok. And I did get the answer. You are ok. You are well and you are happy and you know what you want. Since you are looking for a new guy, I wish you will find one and I will pray you find a good one. I have given my all. All that I have till I have none. As for me, I know what I want… I will ask Allah of your hand di hari kebangkitan and apa pun jawapan you that time, saya terima. My heart is sealed; there will be no one after you. As we have spoken, I don’t need any explanation or justification anymore.
Maybe it is time for me to move totally out of love itself. All of the time watching the movie, I can see the conflict that I have in myself. Maybe it is time to say good bye. Goodbye LOML, my love, my friend, my pain, my joy. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye.