Hmmm how shall I start this….??? FWT forward me a Zodiac Sign kind of website. Cool knowing that you are an Aries. As muslim, well… we are not to believe in signs or anything that disregard Islam believes. We or I shall say for me…., I believe in Qada’ dan Qadar which Allah has already decided for us. This believes is one of our Rukun Iman. Then of course the Muhasabah Diri thing. However it is a funny when there are times the Zodiac signs is almost correct about the person personality. Let me share mine….
Libra Deep Inside:
They are also likely to hide or bend their own true feelings in order to bring peace with a group and to make others like them. Sometime this results in them not really knowing what their true feelings are because they are trying to make everyone happy. Other people can see this and Libras have earned themselves a reputation for being indecisive, they simply do not want to hurt anyone's feelings or cause disorder or friction in a situation. This spills over inside the person and many times, Libras have difficulty making decisions. Inside, the Libra is very insecure, they suffer from a lack of self confidence, they are always searching for something to complete them. This is another reason why they are social butterflies, it is an unconscious attempt to find the missing peace through other people. By trying to appease other people all the time, Libras don't really know who they are inside. Libras desperately need love and approval, they will do the favors that people ask and have a hard time saying 'no' or 'I'm too busy' in order to prove how nice they are, this gradually builds up resentment and negative self esteem issues inside. Libra's indecisiveness is caused by fear, their fear that a wrong decision will make everything come crashing down around them and cause turmoil in their lives. Life is not like that and the Libra that acknowledges the fact that life has ups and downs will be less emotionally wound up, not so hard on themselves and as a result, they will be a much happier person.
Hmmmm I shall not comment further on the above description but as a Libran, I admit it is true. So maybe it is time for me to take the last sentence seriously and change the perception of myself.
” Life is not like that and the Libra that acknowledges the fact that life has ups and downs will be less emotionally wound up, not so hard on themselves and as a result, they will be a much happier person.”
So I will take the challenge and change I hope…

Anyway, remember when I talk about the Bakawali… well…. Hmm… like I said I am waiting for mine to bloom soon. Alhamdulillah… I have been waiting for 3 years and finally got one. Suka suka suka……
Last night after the kids asleep, I pun duduk luar tengok my bakawali. So it makes me think that I have to change. So first thing first…. I listed the 10 things that I wanna do for myself 2012….
AND THE LIST ARE:--- teng teng teng….
1) Tak nak tinggal Solat waktu dan perbanyak kan solat sunat dan taubat
2) Bayar semua hutang orang dengan kadar yang segera
3) Jaga anak-anak supaya menjadi orang berjaya
4) Belajar ilmu agama semampu yang boleh
5) Terima hakikat hidup sorang dan mati pun sorang
6) Pergi UMRAH
7) Panjat Kinabalu (he he he this looks promising)
8) Dapat Lesen PADI
9) Ride with Orange to North (Perlis)
10) Become professional photographer
“Semoga Allah swt memberi kemudahan pada cita-cita ku ini”
Well… whichever comes first…. Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
Hmmm how shall I start this….??? FWT forward me a Zodiac Sign kind of website. Cool knowing that you are an Aries. As muslim, well… we are not to believe in signs or anything that disregard Islam believes. We or I shall say for me…., I believe in Qada’ dan Qadar which Allah has already decided for us. This believes is one of our Rukun Iman. Then of course the Muhasabah Diri thing. However it is a funny when there are times the Zodiac signs is almost correct about the person personality. Let me share mine….
Libra Deep Inside:
They are also likely to hide or bend their own true feelings in order to bring peace with a group and to make others like them. Sometime this results in them not really knowing what their true feelings are because they are trying to make everyone happy. Other people can see this and Libras have earned themselves a reputation for being indecisive, they simply do not want to hurt anyone's feelings or cause disorder or friction in a situation. This spills over inside the person and many times, Libras have difficulty making decisions. Inside, the Libra is very insecure, they suffer from a lack of self confidence, they are always searching for something to complete them. This is another reason why they are social butterflies, it is an unconscious attempt to find the missing peace through other people. By trying to appease other people all the time, Libras don't really know who they are inside. Libras desperately need love and approval, they will do the favors that people ask and have a hard time saying 'no' or 'I'm too busy' in order to prove how nice they are, this gradually builds up resentment and negative self esteem issues inside. Libra's indecisiveness is caused by fear, their fear that a wrong decision will make everything come crashing down around them and cause turmoil in their lives. Life is not like that and the Libra that acknowledges the fact that life has ups and downs will be less emotionally wound up, not so hard on themselves and as a result, they will be a much happier person.
Hmmmm I shall not comment further on the above description but as a Libran, I admit it is true. So maybe it is time for me to take the last sentence seriously and change the perception of myself.
” Life is not like that and the Libra that acknowledges the fact that life has ups and downs will be less emotionally wound up, not so hard on themselves and as a result, they will be a much happier person.”
So I will take the challenge and change I hope…

Anyway, remember when I talk about the Bakawali… well…. Hmm… like I said I am waiting for mine to bloom soon. Alhamdulillah… I have been waiting for 3 years and finally got one. Suka suka suka……
Last night after the kids asleep, I pun duduk luar tengok my bakawali. So it makes me think that I have to change. So first thing first…. I listed the 10 things that I wanna do for myself 2012….
AND THE LIST ARE:--- teng teng teng….
1) Tak nak tinggal Solat waktu dan perbanyak kan solat sunat dan taubat
2) Bayar semua hutang orang dengan kadar yang segera
3) Jaga anak-anak supaya menjadi orang berjaya
4) Belajar ilmu agama semampu yang boleh
5) Terima hakikat hidup sorang dan mati pun sorang
6) Pergi UMRAH
7) Panjat Kinabalu (he he he this looks promising)
8) Dapat Lesen PADI
9) Ride with Orange to North (Perlis)
10) Become professional photographer
“Semoga Allah swt memberi kemudahan pada cita-cita ku ini”
Well… whichever comes first…. Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.