Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Well it has been a while since I last wrote. What can I say… like always… as my life came back to its course I can see the trend of typical Shahidir is always the same, when comes to LOML, being sick and being accepted back. Then the blog stop for a period.. I shall call it recovery period ha ha ha :-0.
Well, I am back, a lot of things change like I saw in the movie quotes “give time people change”. I saw this movie The Vow, stars Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams. A really really really good movies. Let me not be a critic, but overall I love the story line and it’s actually inspired by true events.. how cool is that huh???
But what I am going to write today is my Vows to the LOML:-
You are the LOML.., I accepted you as who you are and not as who I want you to be, of course when it come to certain things; to our wonderful religion of islam, some attitude and appearance have need to change, but that is what I am for right? To be the one who guide you?
LOML……, you are my friend, my pain, my joy, my sadnees and my love… now till eternity, I want to grow old with you, spend what I have left in life with you. Loving you like no one has loved you before. Taking care of you and making you fall in love with me, each and every second of everyday.
Be with me, share you life with me, and give me a chance to prove that I am the one, the true love…. for each of my sentence coming from a pure sincere heart that I have for you…. LOVE OF MY LIFE….
Well…. Tu jelah…. Funny funny funny…. Shahidir kan….
Anyway.. LOML… do not feel tertekan, you may think what you want about me but YESSSSSSS I do know FREEDOM is on the table…. And that’s that….
Sunday, March 25, 2012
I never felt this lonely before. Sometimes when you are not well, you kind of have a lot of time thinking a lot about your life and also about other people.
While writing this, both my daughters FQ and FR are reading this at the same time. So cute… they ask me “abah… abah bukak diari ke?” I just kept myself quiet. They visited me because I am not well.
Anyway, it is not easy to fight with yourself in changing who you are before. Not that I don’t have feelings but I have mentioned before that this heart is closed for anyone right now. It hurt too much because of what is wanted out of me. Freedom. Even I have experienced same thing in 2005, it hurts more now.
Now I decided that I want to be alone. I decided that I don’t have to follow any terms and conditions of anyone. I decided that you are better off having a friend for your life partner as what you have been looking for. You wanted freedom, you wanted new love and you wanted friends so I am making it easy for you. Go, and my doa’s happiness for you and kids.
That is all.
Monday, March 5, 2012
There is nothing much I can say but only a complete weekend. A time spent as a complete family, works of course aligned, a drive of thoughts, a good lunch, a birthday of a child and of course times that not many people understand what I am doing.
Complete Family….
Family….. A strange little band of characters living life sharing what is important, dinner and lunch, bathroom and rooms, money…. but yet… family also inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving one another, laughing at joy, defending against hurt and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together.
This is what I know… When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses. You don't choose your family. They are Allah gift to you, as you are to them…
Thank you for making me feel needed, thank you for making me feel complete.
It is like a load that you choose to have for it given you a better life. As long as you are sincere, strong and confident knowing that what you work for is for your family. At times it will take your time away, your mind focusing on what to be done, your energy, your quiet moment but at the end, if its succeed, you can share the joy with the love ones.
Work is just something that you do to have a better life, for you… for your family and for your love one.
A drive of Thoughts
Well.. driving for couple hours makes you think a lot. I always do a lot of thinking when I drive. All I can say is… there is nothing to think about the relationship. For what is worth… All that need to be said was said. All that need to be done is done. For that I wish you the best of freedom. My doa’s ; you to find a suitable person you who like you say “accept you and your daughters, accept you who you are and ready”. Even it is unfortunate that the person is actually me!!!… but like I say… you throw me away for you are looking for someone else… So you got your Freedom and may allay grant my doa for you to find your man.
Best of luck and I’ll pray to Allah you find one.
A good lunch
The best ever since last time. When we have lunch with our kids and our love one it will remind us how we should appreciate every moment in life. How lucky Allah grant us the time we have of whatever left to be together.
A birthday of a child
Abah doakan semoga panjang umur, diberkati ALLAH dan of course you menjadi anak yang soleh, bijak dan semoga hidup you menjadi satu kehidupan yang terbaik untuk you…
Times that not many people understand
I was called a munafik… idiot dan other bad names… but… like the title…. There are times that not many people understand what you do and how you do it. BUT LET ME REMIND THOSE OUT THERE…. YOU ARE YOUR OWN MAN… AS LONG AS WHAT YOU DO IS GOOD TO YOU, YOUR FAMILY AND OTHER MANKIND AND ABOVE ALL SINCERE IN DOING IT… ALLAH WILL PROTECT YOU…. Ikhlas, redha dan bertawakal… you don’t need to tell what you do best… because at the end things weather they are good or bad… will come out as it is… and then, those people will realize how important it is that sometime give space to explain.. give time to see….
Wallah hu alam…
Oh ya… AT, Thank you…. I love this song…. Ha ha ha abah pun terpanggil Banana Republic
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

People come, people go and they’ll drift in and out of our life, like characters in a story. When the story finally finished, the characters have told their story and you start up again with a new story, complete with all new characters and events. Then we find our self focusing on the new ones, not the ones from the past. Indeed this is true.
But what if one decide to be alone like me? There are lots of real men out there - men who could fall in love at the drop of a hat. Surely experience that I had says everything. There are guys who grow up thinking they'll settle down some distant time in the future, and there are guys who are ready for marriage as soon as they meet the right person. And some are just pathetic; waiting and waiting.
I am thirty-nine now, not too old, but old enough to be lonely. I have something that that kept a distance between me and any woman now. Is it because I am not sure? Well honestly… I am just tired. And sometimes before sleep came, I do wonder if I was destined to be alone forever.
Man and wife were supposed to stay together because they'd made their vows in front of Allah and family. I have no complaints about my path and the places it has taken me; enough complaints actually. But the path I've chosen now is the right one and I wouldn't have had it any other way. Love could be set in motion quickly, but true love needed time to grow into something strong and enduring and when it’s end, it suffers most, it hurt most.
Life, I decided, was for living, not for having, and I wanted to experience every moment that I could. Nothing is ever lost nor can be lost; the body aged, the grey hair, the sickness and ageing, is all part of life. Sometimes our future is dictated by what we are, as opposed to what we want.
Well… I gave the best of me and when I lost everything… nothing is the same….
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Margaret Thatcher
How cool is this words. I watched and it is something that goes straight into my mind thinking that what we think we become. Sometimes in life the experience we have, the journey we go through and all those life we lived, really make us who we are.
So my conclusion is maybe it is time to sit down and really really think who we wanna be or what we might become. Our religion has thought us only but the best. Guidance form prophet Muhammad swa, and blessing form Allah swt will give us the path for a successful life; here or after.
So it is true when Allah says :
“Allah does not burden any soul but to its capacity. For it is what it earns (the good that he does), and against (the evil) it is what it does. "Ya Rabb! do not take us to task if we forget, or we make a mistake; Ya Rabb! and do not lay upon us a burden as you had lain on those before us; Ya Rabb! and do not impose upon us that for which no strength have we. Therefore pardon us; and grant us protection; and be kind to us. You are our Patron; therefore help us over the Unbelieving people." – Surah Al-Baqarah 286; Translated by Zohurul Hoque
The conclusion; we are who we are going to be. Allah has delivered Muhammad to us for guidance to live our life in a proper and better way. The choice of who we would become is entirely up to us. Wallahu hu alam…
Monday, February 27, 2012

What a Saturday…… I don’t know how could I explain except that work and life it is something I cant pisahkan…. I have time to be alone but yet work at same time….
Anyway I took the opportunity to listen to a song which I think meant so much to the life that I am having now….
So… this is life as I see it…. I am sorry…. But the reality is what it is.
Inikah berakhirnya, hidupku yang ku rasa tidak secantik potret yang terlakar dikaca...
Ku renung kisah kita……….
Perbalahan antara erti bersama…….
Airmata dan lelah buat kita berbalah…. Dendam terwujud segala yang indah…. Hilang ............ Hilang……
Dari satu hujung ke satu penghujung berlari …..Tapi hanya makin ku jalani...
Jalan jalan yang sempit sekali….Imbasan warna warni cerita cerita dalam hidup kita.....
Jauhku fikirkan tentang kita tanpa kita…… Sedalam dalam kita mencari jawapan yang sama....
Mungkin berbeza antara jalan yang ditentukan……..Namun ku percaya jika mata ditutup disitu ada cinta....
Berpasangan insan telah dijadikan ….Dalam satu jiwa bakal mewujudkan
Bermusim kegelapan dapat dipinggirkan…Namun kita manusia senang dibutakan...
Carta belaian jiwa dilonjakkan tinggi…..Tak menjunam jatuh menghempas ke bumi...
Kata kata lontaran sekadar ukiran hiasan…..Takkan berbunyi bila bertepuk sebelah tangan...
Tiada lagi rekaan khayalan mimpi ngeri menyelubungi… Hanya meniti hari meneliti hati...
Friday, February 24, 2012

Al-Fatihah to Ayah, Bapak and Shahira. Have a good weekend
I saw The Descendent. George Clooney as Mat King with his two daughters Scotie 10 and Alex 17. It is about a man having his wife in coma and forced to become single parents when he finds out that his wife, Elizabeth will never wake up. Life issues all around with family trustee and later finding out that the wife is having an affair with a married man. Good movie.
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Reminds me of childhood memories
Where everything was as fresh as the bright blue sky
Now and then when I see her face
She takes me away to that special place
And if I stare too long, I'd probably break down and cry
Whoa, oh, oh, sweet child o' mine
Whoa, oh, oh, oh, sweet love of mine
She's got eyes of the bluest skies
As if they thought of rain
I'd hate to look into those eyes and see an ounce of pain
Her hair reminds me of a warm, safe place
Where as a child I'd hide
And pray for the thunder and the rain to quietly pass me by
Whoa, oh, oh, sweet child o' mine
Whoa, oh, oh, oh, sweet love of mine
Whoa, oh, oh, oh, sweet child o' mine
Oh, oh, oh, oh, sweet love of mine
Whoa, oh, oh, oh, sweet child o' mine
Ooh, sweet love of mine
Where do we go?
Where do we go now?
Where do we go?
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

It’s going to be 39 years of living in this world that belongs to Allah swt. At every moment of my life I bersyurkur for what Allah has been giving me. Life it self.
I believe that Allah’s knows best what is for me… I came to a point where I live to my principle. I cannot change or undo what is done. I cannot change people heart. I cannot change how everything was…. But… I can make better for whatever comes.
The saddest people I've ever met in life are the ones who don't care deeply about anything at all. No love, no passion and no satisfaction, at the end, for these kind of people, happiness is only temporary, because there's nothing to make it last.
How can we live without love…. Call it what you want…. Hindustan ke Tamil ke… I am all about me…. This is me… I know it is a long long shot and I know now that no one can understand about me except me. “Give chance… people do change” I said.
Everyone wanted to believe that endless love was possible. And let me tell you now that it is…. Although I knew that love was messy, just like life. It took turns that people couldn't foresee or even understand, leaving a long trail of regret in its wake. And almost always, those regrets led to the kinds of what if questions that could never be answered.
But all and all…. I am in love and lonely…. It is wrong for me to pray to Allah to take this life away of I am no longer need it anymore. All I want that one person to see how much I have love, how much I have given and the whole truth…..
At the very end, my believe is in my religion-ISLAM and my heart says… Allah knows best.. so to me…. “SAYA REDHA”. Maybe that is the different between us.

“Allah humma faqi hu fiddin wa alim hu tak will” – Untuk Lelaki
“Allah humma faqihah wa’alim ha tak’ will” – Untuk Perempuan.
Monday, February 20, 2012

Hmm hari ni aku nak bercakap pasal cerekarama TV3, sabtu jam 10 malam - 18hb Februari 2012. Masa awal mula2 cerita tu macam bosan sikit pasal sejujurnya kedua2 watak utama tu bukanlah pilihan hatiku. Nora Danish & Beto Kusyairy, anyway aku suka Irma Hasmie, Rozie Rashid dan Hafizuddin. Oh ya… angkat topi untuk Puan Zila Jalil dan anak2. To be honest I did mengikuti perkembangan drama terbitan you all and improving a lot and of course Rohaya Ibrahim the script writer penuh dengan teka teki as always.
Anyway come back to the story. Ia mengisahkan tentang pasangan suami isteri, Edree (Beto) dan Lisa (Nora) yang berkahwin. Lisa agak sosial kehidupannya after kematian ibunya. Seems like the father bagi apa sahaja yang dia nak sampai kan jadi luar kawalan dan liar. Father dia pulak Dato something so… macam give up pada Lisa. Then came Edree yang tersempak terlanggar Lisa and funny… The way the meet pun macam best. Their first love. Cool sangat masa ni for me.
Sambung… after married, Edree ditugaskan untuk ke Jepun sebulan selepas bernikah dan minta Lisa mengikutnya. But she refuses. Selepas lapan tahun keika dalam perjalanan puang ke rumah untuk melepaskan rindu kepada isteri tercinta, Edree ditimpa kemalangan menyebabkan dia koma. This is where the story starts. Bagi siapa yang tengok cerita ni… mesti bengang gila where watak Irma Hasmie (Aishah) datang. This is where orang yang tengok cerita ni secara automatik akan buat rumusan bahawa watak utama ada masalah perempuan lain atau masalah kesihatan (mati pucuk).
Anyway, bila last sekali baru penulis keluarkan hal sebenar. To make it short, Lisa, while Edree went away keluar dengan boyfriend lama dia. Boyfriend dia put drugs into her drinks dan rogol dia lepas tu. At the same time masa tak sedarkan diri kena durgs dan rogol dengan boyfriend dia pun terlantar kat sebelah, Edree came back nak supprise kan his wife… then saw what his saw…. Sakit dan sedihnya Edree sampaikan accident and coma.
The best part for me…. masa dia sedar from coma, the doctor asked him what was the last thing he thinks before the accident, dengan selambanya… ceraikan isteri saya…. Cool……. You know why it is cool… because that much he loves his wife sampai bukan nak marah, nak gaduh, nak bengang, nak ngamuk… just nak lepaskan.
By this time, the story which I believe really-really ubah minda semua orang yang tengok. Anyway… I agreed and really-really understand the watak Edree when he ceraikan Lisa, he told the truth what he saw and how the whole thing happen. Then as always semua orang tergamam. Finally he said… “Cinta saya pada Lisa amat tinggi tapi tidak melebihi cinta saya pada Allah”.
You see that’s the thing… in life ni susah nak cakap. Kalau kita fikir kita ni ditinggalkan sebab2 yang bodoh kita akan merana, hampa, sedih. Well itu semua mainan hati. Rumusan from what I learned from this movie is….. and this based on the movie ya yang mana penulis sendiri terdiri dari kaum Hawa.
Tak kira macam manapun, wanita akan tetap melebihkan hati dan perasaan dalam apa jua tindakan tanpa berfikir dengan teliti dan yakin dan ada masalah terburu-buru. Kesalahan lelaki dilihat secara terang-terangan tanpa membuat penyelidikan atau siasat lebih dahulu. Lelaki pun sama bila hati dah buta, kecewa, mengamuk dan jadi tah apa2.
Penulis, which in my humble opinion cuba melihatkan watak Edree adalah watak lelaki yang beriman which I think all man should have this watak. Wheres pada watak wanita pemikirang yang terburu-buru dan ego yang tinggi. Sayang pada seseorang tak semestinya kita terima apa orang itu buat, which akhirnya Edree lepaskan Lisa after so long conflicting with perassan sendiri sehingga Allah memberi jalan dengan cara berdoa dan bertawakal.
But all and all.. yes… untuk lelaki bila dah terlalu sayang…. Especially first love, mereka akan buta dan hilang pertimbangan sebentar apabila ditinggalkan. But remember this, bila lelaki yang beriman dan bertaqwa pula, dia akan menerima dan redha apa yang berlaku which penulis akhirnya tunjukkan pada drama ini.
Lisa mengaku salahnya bahawa dia tidak patut keluar dengan orang lain setelah menjadi isteri pada Edree dan Edree pula mengaku bahawa dia patut mendengar cerita Lisa dahulu dan menerima takdir Allah swt. Finally they are back together.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Semua yang aku buat tak betul, semua dah bagi. Tapi tak cukup kan…Yang hanya aku minta layanan sebagai seorang manusia… aku bertanya… aku memperjuangkan…. Apa lagi salah ku….??? Malas…. Rimas…..
Akhirnya aku beri apa yang kau mahukan… KEBEBASAN. Aku cuma mampu mengingatkan.. tak perlu kau melayanku seperti haiwan. Aku manusia… aku manusia…. Aku manusia… yang ada hati dan perasaan.
Hina kau pada ku hanya akal mu yang berfikir aku salah…. Cerminlah diri mu kerana cermin tak pernah menipu….
Sudah… cukup…, aku rimas…. Hidupku adalah hidupku, Hidupmu adalah hidupmu. Selamat tinggal…
Satu hari kau akan toleh kebelakang dan kau akan sedar bahawa Allah swt ada dan seperti aku, yang menerima yang aku ditinggalkan adalah qada’ dan qadarnya.
Aku lari tinggalkan semua ini
Untuk mencari- cari..cari
Ketenangan diri
Pergi Pergi Pergi
Engkau pergi dari hidupku ini
Ku tak mahu.. mahu
Engkau hadir dalam diri ini
Keluhan hatiku tak siapa yg tahu
Ku simpan semua sebak di dada
Biar ku yang terluka
Pernahkah kau mengerti caraku memujukmu
Pernahkah kau hargai cara ku mencintai mu
Nafas dan kata dari bibir
Adanya yang dari hati
Mungkin kau tak fahami
Maksud yang tersembunyi
Titisan air mata dari pipi ke bumi
Pernahkah kau peduli tentang diriku ini
Mengapa aku yang terluka
Aku yang merana
Aku yang menahan sisa baki cinta ini
Engkau yang meminta
Aku yang sengsara
Rimas……. Rimas
Aku rimas
Tidak ku sorang….Kecundang…..istana jiwaku goyang
Roboh dan tumbang……Sawan ku lantang…Tidak berpantang
Letupnya siang-siang.. Bukannya alang kepalang
Datangnya perang….Dan bawa ku ke jurang
Pulanglah sayang….Janjiku tatang….Ku hapuskan dalang
Dalangnya sayang…Sayangnya hilang…Hilanglah garang
Garangku terbang melayang….
Terbongkangku… terbang kau..
Terhuyong hayang…..Tak pandang belakang…Terkangkang kilat
Entah di undang…. Ku rapuh semua…Tak bertiang….Janjiku kini kan bertulang
Mengapa aku yang terluka
Aku yang merana
Aku yang menahan sisa baki cinta ini
Engkau yang meminta
Aku yang sengsara
Rimas……. Rimas
Aku rimas
Lari Lari Aku
Lari tinggalkan
Tinggalkan semua ini
Tuk mencari…. Untuk mencari
Aku pergi tinggalkan
Tinggalkan kau sendiri
Ku pergi
Kini ku pergi
Tinggalkanmu sendiri
Anyway.. today is Friday… as always my routine is to visit my late father and my friend…. Alahmdulillah….

Alfatihah to Shahira Binti Abd Ghani

Alfatihah to Yom Ahmad Bin Ngah Ahmad ( this was taken when I was visiting him recently)

Ya Allah, cucurilah rahmat dan kesejahteraan keatas junjungan kami Nabi Muhamad s.a.w dalam kerajaanmu yang maha tinggi hingga kehari kiamat.Cucurilah rahmat dan kesejahteraan keatas junjungan kami hingga mempusakai bumi ini berserta orang-orang yang berada diatasnya. Engkaulah Tuhan sebaik-baiknya yang mewarisi.
Ya Allah, wahai Tuhan kami. Jadikanlah dan sampaikanlah serta terimalah pahala segala yang telah kami baca daripada ayat-ayat Al Quran, tahlil perkataan astaghafar, kalimah-kalimah zikir dan juga perkataan-perkataan selawat pada saat yang berkat ini, sebagai hadiah yang sempurna sampainya daripada kami dan sebagai rahmat daripadamuyang mencucurinya, berkat yang meliputi sedekah yang dipersembahkan, yang kami hidang dan hadiahkan kehadrat junjungan kami Nabi Muhamad s.a.w serta isteri-isterinya, kaum keluarganya, sahabat-sahabatnya, pengikut-pengikut dan murid kepada pengikutnya, dari semasa kesemasa hinggalah kehari kiamat.
Ya Allah, wahai Tuhan kami. Jadikanlah pahala seperti pahala yang tersebut tadi dengan ehsan yang berlebih-lebih, kebaikan kepada sekelian roh orang-orang yang dengan sebab mereka itu kami berkumpul disini. * Lebih istimewa lagi kepada roh yang dirahmati Allah, Hasbullah Bin Shahrom, Shahira Binti Abd Ghani & Yom Ahmad Bin Ngah Ahmad, asal-usulnya, anak-cucunya dan setiap orang yang ada hubungan dengannya.
Sampaikanlah ya Allah, pahala bacaan-bacaan seperti yang tersebut itu daripada kami kepada roh-roh mereka dan jadikanlah pahala-pahala bacaan itu sebagai suatu cahaya, menerangi dan bersinar dihadapan mereka. Gandakan ya Allah, akan rahmat dan keredhaanmu kepada kami dan juga roh-roh mereka.
Ya Allah wahai Tuhan kami. Jadikanlah juga pahala-pahala bacaan itu sebagai satu perisai, mengelakkan mereka daripada azab neraka, penyelamat, pendinding dan juga penebus daripada azab neraka.
Ya Allah wahai Tuhan kami. Ampunilah mereka, Kesihanilah mereka, Selamatkanlah mereka serta Maafkanlah mereka.
Ya Allah wahai Tuhan kami. Ampunilah mereka, Kesihanilah mereka, Selamatkanlah mereka serta Maafkanlah mereka.
Ya Allah wahai Tuhan kami. Ampunilah mereka, Kesihanilah mereka, Selamatkanlah mereka serta Maafkanlah mereka.
Ya Allah wahai Tuhan kami. Pindahkanlah mereka itu semuanya daripada kesempitan lubang kubur dan liang lahat Syurga yang kekal abadi, menuju keperlindungan naungan yang berpanjangan, menerima air yang telah sedia bertuang, mendapat buah-buahan yang tiada bersukat, lagi tidak pernah terhenti dan diputuskan. Mendapat tilam yang empuk bersama-sama dengan orang yang Engkau kurniakan kepada mereka itu nikmat-nikmat. Iaitu daripada golongan nabi-nabi, orang-orang yang taat setia, orang-orang yang mati syahid, orang-orang yang soleh, yang kereka itu adalah sebaik-baik teman.
Mohon limpah kurniamu jua ya Allah, Tuhan yang sebaik-baik mengurniakan rahmat. Cucurilah rahmat dan kesejahteraan keatas junjungan kami Nabi Muhamad s.a.w serta keluarga dan sahabat-sahabatnya sekalian.
Sesungguhnya, segala pujian itu adalah bagimu jua ya Allah, Tuhan pentadbir seluruh alam.
Al Fatehah...
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Wonder why I wanted to become professional photographer? Well it’s because I was allure to the beauty that Allah swt created. I took some pictures along my journey to find my peace.
For this I want to share that how beautiful life has Allah created it. We don’t need to look further; we just need to look around us. The beauty is everywhere. We just don’t realize it. Sometimes we just don’t care and don’t appreciate.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Hmmm I went out last time with Orange just to ease my mind. Came across to a Padi Field. I never saw such beautiful scenery in my life. To be honest, this is my second time seeing the actual Padi Field. Last time when I was very young (compared to my age now ha ha ha). I think I was about 7 or 8, arwah Ayah brought all of us to Kelantan kampong Mek Som during Zahrain engagement. But I was young then, so I do not much appreciated the beauty and scenery of a Padi Field.
However, this time… using of course my cheap Cannon camera, (which I akan beli yang mahal kalau dapat duit banyak ha ha ha) I managed to get some pictures I took from a Padi field. So sharing and trust me… kuasa Allah swt tiada bandingan. Thank you Allah for blessing all human kind.
Well guys I am not a photog kind of guy… but kalau tengok live where I have been lah kan… telling you… memang cantik. Sampai mintak orang kampung ambik gambar I... he he he

Tuesday, February 14, 2012
It is all said and done… There is nothing more I need to say. I indeed now have given everything. My all….. In return… I am still accepting what you wanted, FREEDOM.
I want you to know my heart now is shut tight. Nothing will change that. I want you to know, at all of this after 6 years, the person that hurt most is me. I have cried till there is nothing left to cry. I have hurt till my feelings became dead. I thank you for at the very end, you listen to what I have to say and you do understand what I am saying.
You have made your choice. Stick with it. I am telling you now and I am telling the world. You are THE LOVE OF MY LIFE. I LOVE YOU. Till eternity I will love you without any doubts. Put in your mind I am dead because my heart is. There is nothing left in me except my feelings towards you. For the best for you and your FREEDOM. Let me be.
I am not Love Of Your Life… soon my doa to you and kids that you meet the one you are looking for….
Monday, February 13, 2012
The truth was revealed on a very special moment last Friday. It was shocking. Finally it was made known that it is not me who is not ready. It is she that wants FREEDOM. Funny when the word was said, my heart drop and my mind were blown away back to 2001. The same word even it is not at the same event and moment experienced has made me lost. My heart was beating endlessly. To confirm, I asked…..
“Can you promise me that you come back to me.?”
She answered “ I don’t know”
“Will you fall for another man in the event.?”
She answered clearly “Maybe”
And my last question…
“Is this what you really want”
She answered “ Yes, I have been conducted myself in wifely manner, so I deserve this”
By this time, my heart drops, my hand shivering…. I feel so much pain inside. My mind blown back to 2001. What do I do, I asked myself? How I am facing this? My tear just came out and I started to cry….. I did my very best to control everything. I had to wash my face several time. At the end I control myself well.
My mind wanted to speak, to explain, to tell that I equally give the same but my heart says for the love you have for her…. You let her go.
I sent her back to the house and when she left me, I cried and cried and cried. The truth is this time, the hurt is more. The pain is not imaginable. For it will be written and it will be known that the door is shut. She will get what she wanted. She will get her FREEDOM
I didn’t sleep. I pray in the morning, then, I ran till there is nothing left in me to run. I cried till there is nothing in me to cry. Today is the day that I am shutting my heart forever. There will only be one love and I had that and I intend to keep that.
I asked myself, what do I do now it is all over. The fighting, the sacrifice and everything else in it. The answer is….. one fine day, with Allah’s will, she will realize that how much I have love her….
Sometime in life you tend to follow people around you. You don’t think, you just do as if you think that you are doing a right thing. But why must you follow others? I realize that is the wrong move. Allah created us at the best that we are. We don’t need to follow anyone. We don’t need to become anyone else. We don’t need to feel sorry for our self. We don’t need to feel small. We don’t need to be someone else. We are just fine the way we are and the way Allah created us.
In life we learn to accept Qada’ and Qadar Allah. Just wait, it may not happen immediately. Because Allah knows best. I believe the truth of my life will reveal one day and those who think about me otherwise will regret.
Pictures can worth of thousand words they say, but the real thing is what is inside a person heart and the truth shall remain to the person itself.
She is free to do what she want. My sincere doa that she find the best person for her…… may allah give her guidance. As for me… back to square one…. Free and Easy…… But the different and improvement is….. I know what I want now and I am stronger by myself. As for the form… I am ready… I was ready since JAIS represent NCR in the system. I filled up mine…. It is just you to fill up yours and get it signed… and that is why it is imperative I see you and waited for you….. I do just wish that you can listen to me and what I have to say…..
Friday, February 10, 2012
Oftentimes we say goodbye to the person we love without wanting to. That doesn’t mean that we've stopped loving them or we've stopped to care. Sometimes goodbye is a painful way to say I love you. That is facts.
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Do we ever wonder why things have to turn out the way they do? After what I have been trough those years back, I didn't want to get involved with anyone. I didn't have the time or energy, and I wasn't sure that I was ready for it. My concentration on my kids but when I met LOML, little by little, I found myself falling in love again.
Later, one fine day, she left. Leaving me hanging with things that she thinks that is right to her. A continues argument without any solutions, way out or even normal and simple conversation. I tried, I called and tell her my feelings and wanted her to know that I can’t do this. I can’t be left just like that. And even at the very last minute to see her and asked her to take what is asked from me. But her answer is she is busy with kids, and when I called, she was with her true love I guess. And guess what? this happened last week.
At that very moment or shall I say “pada penghulu segala hari”, I find out who I am and what I want, and then I realise that people you've known forever don't see things the way you do. And so I decided to keep the wonderful memories and find strength to move on. Sure, I'll be thinking about her every day. I admit part of me is scared that she will not feel the same way, that she will somehow forget about what we shared and gone trough. But based on this experience, had taught me that even the most precious memories fade with the passage of time. At least to her…..
Today, I'm different now than I was then. At the end of a long love life than I'd been in the beginning. And I'll be different tomorrow than I am today. And what that means is that I will never ever replicate that experience. Even if I went to the same places and met the same people, it would'nt be the same. My experience would'nt be the same. That I promise. Even when I know the past is gone and the future had yet to unfold.
Love is fragile and we're not always its best caretakers. We just muddle through and do the best we can. And hope thing survives against all odds. Everyone wanted the same things. They wanted to feel peace in their hearts, they wanted a life without turmoil, they wanted to be happy in love and no worries. I never stop loving you and I never stopped thinking about you. Pathetic it may sound you are part of me always. Love of my life. And that’s that.
But remember, the door has been shut tight. You did that. You decided that I am out of your life. And you decide that to fall for another man. To you I am dead. Accepted and my heart is closed for any love for only to my family and my kids. You will never understand the meaning of love like I did….. for that, I am sure….
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Hmmm how shall I start this….??? FWT forward me a Zodiac Sign kind of website. Cool knowing that you are an Aries. As muslim, well… we are not to believe in signs or anything that disregard Islam believes. We or I shall say for me…., I believe in Qada’ dan Qadar which Allah has already decided for us. This believes is one of our Rukun Iman. Then of course the Muhasabah Diri thing. However it is a funny when there are times the Zodiac signs is almost correct about the person personality. Let me share mine….
Libra Deep Inside:
They are also likely to hide or bend their own true feelings in order to bring peace with a group and to make others like them. Sometime this results in them not really knowing what their true feelings are because they are trying to make everyone happy. Other people can see this and Libras have earned themselves a reputation for being indecisive, they simply do not want to hurt anyone's feelings or cause disorder or friction in a situation. This spills over inside the person and many times, Libras have difficulty making decisions. Inside, the Libra is very insecure, they suffer from a lack of self confidence, they are always searching for something to complete them. This is another reason why they are social butterflies, it is an unconscious attempt to find the missing peace through other people. By trying to appease other people all the time, Libras don't really know who they are inside. Libras desperately need love and approval, they will do the favors that people ask and have a hard time saying 'no' or 'I'm too busy' in order to prove how nice they are, this gradually builds up resentment and negative self esteem issues inside. Libra's indecisiveness is caused by fear, their fear that a wrong decision will make everything come crashing down around them and cause turmoil in their lives. Life is not like that and the Libra that acknowledges the fact that life has ups and downs will be less emotionally wound up, not so hard on themselves and as a result, they will be a much happier person.
Hmmmm I shall not comment further on the above description but as a Libran, I admit it is true. So maybe it is time for me to take the last sentence seriously and change the perception of myself.
” Life is not like that and the Libra that acknowledges the fact that life has ups and downs will be less emotionally wound up, not so hard on themselves and as a result, they will be a much happier person.”
So I will take the challenge and change I hope…

Anyway, remember when I talk about the Bakawali… well…. Hmm… like I said I am waiting for mine to bloom soon. Alhamdulillah… I have been waiting for 3 years and finally got one. Suka suka suka……
Last night after the kids asleep, I pun duduk luar tengok my bakawali. So it makes me think that I have to change. So first thing first…. I listed the 10 things that I wanna do for myself 2012….
AND THE LIST ARE:--- teng teng teng….
1) Tak nak tinggal Solat waktu dan perbanyak kan solat sunat dan taubat
2) Bayar semua hutang orang dengan kadar yang segera
3) Jaga anak-anak supaya menjadi orang berjaya
4) Belajar ilmu agama semampu yang boleh
5) Terima hakikat hidup sorang dan mati pun sorang
6) Pergi UMRAH
7) Panjat Kinabalu (he he he this looks promising)
8) Dapat Lesen PADI
9) Ride with Orange to North (Perlis)
10) Become professional photographer
“Semoga Allah swt memberi kemudahan pada cita-cita ku ini”
Well… whichever comes first…. Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
Friday, February 3, 2012

I have this flower since 1997, actually my late father in-law Tan Sri Yom introduce me to this flower. Alfatihah to him. He said the flower brings luck as like the Chinese believe. Well he believes in the Chinese way. I guess because his background as business man.
The Chinese believes that the flower when bloom will bring luck and sometimes they will put red ribbon at each branches. They will put near to their business place or at home. They also believe that the root will die as when the owner died. Then if the flowers fail to bloom it is a bad luck for them.
Well far different from the Malay, they believe “Bunian” or some Dewa from Kayangan will be near the flower when it starts to bloom. Same as Chinese they also believe that the root will die when the owner die.
I haven’t got a chance to ask the Indian and I am sure that they also have their own believes for this flower.

Cantik dan wangi…. I even stayed near the flowers till 1 am. Having a cigarettes and thinking how nice if I can share this with someone. However the sad part is once it blooms it will die the next day. How sad. Unique but sad and I bersyukur sangat pada Allah menunjukkan kekuasaanya.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012
“I called, because I was concern”
“I asked, because I was worry”
“I help, because it is my responsibility”
“I did all the above, because I am sincere”
What you said in return, I understand. You’re calling the shot…. IT’s Over!!!!!
I get that, but can’t you see that this is me…… the man you should know that loves you more that his life…..
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
The Princess And The Sad Letter

Today…. I came across to a letter that was left in my work shirt pocket. Somehow with Allah’s will, I pulak pilih shirt tu hari ni. To my surprise…., I read the letter and I cried for a while. I remember this incident. So here is my reply…..
Assalamualaikum Faqihah,
Abah mintak maaf sangat kerana Abah sibuk dengan training dan kerja. Dan juga Abah mintak maaf Abah jatuh sakit lepas tu. I am so sorry mama pukul awak and I was not around that time. Faqihah tahu kan Abah sayang Faqihah kan?
Faqihah jugak kena tahu yang mama pun sayang Faqihah. Abah dah pun jumpa Mama tunjuk dia surat ni dan Mama cakap dia buat macam tu pasal dia nak Faqihah pandai dan dia nak Faqihah jadi anak yang baik. So you maafkan Mama ok. I promise you that from today, I will be around for you.
I am your father, you remember that. Ingat tak apa Abah cakap..???, Faqihah anak abah… you can tell me anything. Susah you, senang you, apa –apa sahaja. Abah pun manusia, kadang-kadang bila Abah dapat berita buruk, of course I will go mad at first, but I am the person who loves you most. So just tell me ok. Anything and everything, we can work it out dengan izin Allah.
Maybe hidup kita tak lengkap now sayang… but tak pa… ini takdir Allah. So we live as it is. I will be with you dalam susah dan senang. I am your father, walau apa pun terjadi, I will always be your father that loves you sooooooooooooooooo much ok.
You belajar pandai-pandai dan you tunjukkan semua orang you boleh buat. Oh ya… congrats dapat kelas pandai this year… Abah nanti masak pulut kuning kita hantar kat rumah semua orang ok….. Abah nak Faqihah sembahyang kuat-kuat dan doa untuk jadi anak yang salleh dan pandai. I know you can do it. You belajar kuat-kuat ok. Ingat… ABAH SAYANG AWAK.
Monday, January 30, 2012

Alhamdulillah.... terima kasih Ustaz.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Saja nak berkongsi….. in life sometimes kurangnya ilmu menyebabkan kita lalai dalam tanggungjawab. I remember I learned this when I was doing part time Syariah UIA. It is one of the subject dalam perundagan kekeluargaan islam… so guys… read and learn…. Insya’allah…
Mahar adalah suatu pemberian wajib dari suami kepada isterinya dengan sebab berkahwin. Ia merupakan hak mutlak isteri. Banyak sedikitnya mahar itu bergantung kepada kerelaan atau kemahuan isteri. Firman Allah:
Ertinya: “berikanlah maskahwin (mahar) kepada wanita yang kamu kahwini sebagai pemberian penuh kerelaan, kemudian jika mereka menyerahkan kepadamu sebahagian dari maskahwin itu dengan senang hati, maka makanlah (ambillah) pemberian itu sebagai makanan yang sedap lagi baik akibatnya” (an-Nisa’:4)
Di dalam hadith Nabi s.a.w ini ada menerangkan beberapa benda yang boleh dijadikan mahar, antaranya:
i- mata wang,
ii- barang seperti cincin, kasut, pakaian dan sebagainya,
iii- Pekerjaan seperti menghafal al-Quran,
iv- Makanan atau bahan
v- Dengan memerdekakannya
Mahar merupakan hak mutlak isteri yang tidak boleh diambil oleh suami sesuka hati melainkan dengan keredhaan dan keizinan isterinya. Seorang suami boleh berhutang mahar kepada isterinya dengan syarat ianya wajib dilunaskan kembali. Suami yang tidak mahu membayar mahar yang dihutang kepada isterinya diancam Allah dengan ancaman yang sama dengan orang-orang yang berhutang dengan niat tidak mahu melunasinya padahal mereka mampu untuk membayarnya kembali.
Keadaan ini jelas merupakan penderhakaan terang-terangan terhadap hak isteri, sekaligus menderhakai Allah. Biasanya suami menganggap bahawa mahar itu tidak perlu lagi diberikan kepada isterinya kerana sudah menjadi satu keluarga hingga menurut anggapannya tidak ada lagi perhitungan hutang piutang bagi mereka yang telah mempunyai ikatan sebagi suami isteri.
Dalam situasi ini isteri boleh menasihati dan mengingatkan suami akan hutang maharnya serta ancaman Allah bagi perbuatannya, jika tidak diendahkan, isteri boleh meminta pertolongan dari pihak ke tiga untuk menasihatinya, jika tidak berhasil isteri boleh mengadu kepada mahkamah untuk memaksa suami melunasi hutang maharnya. Namun begitu memaafkan dan mengambil sikap berlapang dada adalah lebih dekat kepada taqwa.
Firman Allah:
Ertinya: “jika kamu menceraikan isteri-isterimu sebelum kamu bercampur dengan mereka padahal kamu telah menentukan maharnya, maka bayarlah separuh dari mahar yang telah kamu tentukan itu, kecuali kalau isteri-isterimu itu memaafkan atau dimaafkan oleh orang yang memegang ikatan nikah. Sikap maaf itu lebih adalah lebih dekat pada taqwa. Dan janganlah melupakan keutamaan antara sesama kamu. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Melihat apa yang kamu kerjakan” (al-Baqarah:237)
Nafkah menurut istilah ialah mengeluarkan belanja atau sara hidup kepada mereka yang wajib atas seseorang itu untuk membiayainya. Biaya yang dimaksudkan ialah semua hajat dan keperluan pelajaran, makanan, ibadat, tempat tinggal dan sebagainya.(al-Syarbini.425). Hak nafkah yang wajib diberikan kepada isteri boleh dibahagikan kepada dua jenis, nafkah zahir dan nafkah batin.
Sudah menjadi ketetapan agama bahawa suami wajib memberikan belanja untuk makan, minum, pakaian dan tempat tinggal isteri sesuai dengan kemampuannya. Firman Allah s.w.t:
Ertinya:” hendaklah orang yang mampu memberi nafkah menurut kemampuannya. Dan orang yang disempitkan rezkinya hendaklah memberi nafkah dari harta yang diberikan Allah kepadanya. Allah tidak memikulkan beban kepada seseorang melainkan sekadar apa yang Allah berikan kepadanya”.(al-Talaq:7)
Ertinya: “dan kewajipan ayah memberi makan dan pakaian kepada para ibu dengan cara yang makruf. Seseorang tidak dibebani melainkan menurut kadar kesanggupannya”. (al-baqarah:233)
Ertinya: “tempatkanlah mereka (para isteri) di mana kamu bertempat tinggal menurut kemampuanmu dan janganlah kamu menyusahkan mereka dan menyempitkan hati mereka. Dan jika mereka (isteri-isteri yang sudah ditalaq) itu sedang hamil maka berikanlah kepada mereka nafkahnya hingga mereka bersalin” (al-talaq:6)
Sementara dalil-dalil dari sunnah pula:
Ertinya: dari Muawiyah al-Qusyairi, berkata: “saya datang kepada Rasulullah s.a.w lalu saya bertanya, bagaimana pandanganmu Ya Rasulullah tentang isteri-isteri kami? Sabdanya: “berilah mereka makan dari makanan yang kamu makan, berilah mereka pakaian dari pakaian yang kamu pakai, janganlah kamu pukul mereka dan jangan pula kamu buruk-burukkan mereka (H.R Abu Dawud)
Ayat-ayat dan hadith di atas menjelaskan bahawa setiap suami bertanggungjawab memberi makanan, pakaian kepada isterinya sesuai dengan kemampuannya. Suami tidak boleh memberi makanan dan pakaian kepada isterinya lebih buruk daripada apa yang dimakan dan dipakai suaminya. Begitu juga kadar makan dan pakai yang menjadi hak isteri diberikan mengikut kadar yang mampu diberikan oleh suaminya. Di dalam hal ini isteri tidak boleh meminta sesuatu yang di luar kemampuan suaminya. Akan tetapi sekiranya suami mampu memberikannya lebih tetapi tidak diberikan maka dalam situasi ini isteri dibenarkan mengambil harta suaminya seperti sabda Rasulullah s.a.w:
Ertinya: “dari aisyah r.a berkata: sesungguhnya Hindun datang kepada rasulullah lalu berkata: “wahai Rasulullah< Abu Sufyan adalah orang yang kikir dan tidak mahu memberikan kepadaku belanja yang cukup untukku dan anakku, sehingga terpaksa aku ambil dari hartanya tanpa pengetahuannya”. Lalu Baginda bersabda: “ambillah sekadar cukup untuk dirimu dan anakmu dengan wajar”. (H.R Bukhary dan Muslim)
Hadith ini menegaskan bahawa islam membenarkan bagi isteri mengambil harta suaminya sekadar untuk keperluan dirinya dan anak-anak, jika suaminya mempunyai harta yang cukup tetapi tidak memberikan haknya mengikut kemampuannya. Jika suami yang bakhil di cela oleh agama dan dibenarkan bagi isterinya mengambil tambahan dari harta suaminya tanpa pengetahuannya, maka lebih berdosalah lagi suami yang tidak memberi nafkah isterinya. Sudah tentu perbuatan itu tela melanggari hak isteri yang telah ditetapkan oleh syariat islam.
Isteri boleh memberi peringatan terhadap suami yang mengabaikan tanggungjawab memberi nafkah samada mahu memberi belanja atau menceraikannya. Menurut Imam Syafie kadar nafkah makanan yang wajib itu adalah mengikut keadaan suami. Maka jika suami itu orang kaya, nafkah isteri yang diwajibkan ialah dua cupak makanan setiap hari, suami yang miskin satu cupak dan suami yang sederhana satu cupak setengah.(Wahbah Zuhayliy.1985.798)
Menurut Imam an-Nawawi bahawa hak-hak yang wajib terhadap isteri itu tujuh perkara iaitu;
i. Makanan.
ii. Bahan-bahan seperti rempah-ratus (bawang, minyak masak, garam, gula, asam termasuk lauk-pauk dan sebagainya).
iii. Pembantu bagi isteri yang kebiasaannya mempunyai pembantu.
iv. Pakaian.
v. Alat-alat pembersih badan dan pencuci pakaian, sikat dan sebagainya.
vi. Perkakas-perkakas rumah seperti perkakas bilik air, perkakas tidor dan sebagainya dan yang terakhir ialah tempat tinggal (rumah). (an-Nawawi.450-461)
Hendaklah mempergauli isteri itu dengan baik. Firman Allah:
Ertinya: isteri-isterimu adalah seperti tanah tempat kamu bercucuk tanam, maka datangilah tanah tempat becucuk tanammu bagaimana saja kamu kehendaki. Dan kerjakanlah amal yang baik untuk dirimu dan bertaqwalah kepada Allah dan ketahuilah bahawa kamu kelak akan menemui-Nya. Dan berilah khabar gembira orang-orang beriman. (al-Baqarah:223)
Ertinya: ...”dan bergaullah dengan mereka dengan sebaik-baiknya....”
Dalam Islam isteri boleh menolak hajat atau keinginan suaminya untuk bersetubuh dengan syarat ia mestilah dalam keadaan darurat atau keuzuran seperti semasa haid, nifas, sedang dalam ihram dan sebagainya. Bagaimanapun pengertian mengenai darurat dan keuzuran bukan setakat itu, banyak lagi perkara lain yang perlu difahami setiap suami. Misalnya jika isteri mengalami masalah kesihatan yang menyebabkan isteri tidak berupaya melayan kehendak seks suami, ia juga ditakrifkan sebagai darurat.
Begitu juga jika isteri berada dalam keletihan yang amat sangat, penolakan berkenaan dirujuk kepada isteri yang dalam tertekan, runsing, mengantuk yang teramat sangat dan keletihan yang amat sangat sehingga meyebabkan isteri berkenaan tidak berkeupayaan melayani kehendak seks suaminya dengan baik, ia juga dibolehkan. Lebih-lebih lagi bagi isteri yang bekerja, tujuannya untuk membantu suaminya sendiri dalam soal kewangan.
Akan tetapi isteri perlu faham, jika mereka menolak hajat suaminya, ia mestilah ditolak dengan cara yang baik dan mestilah dijelaskan dengan sejelas dan sebaiknya sebab-sebab itu kepada suaminya, sehingga suaminya boleh memahami dan bertolak ansur dengannya.
Terdapat juga sesetengah suami yang sanggup menggunakan kekerasan atau paksaan ke atas isterinya untuk melakukan hubungan jenis demi memuaskan nafsunya sendiri dengan menafikan terus hak isteri , walaupun isteri berada dalam keadaan tidak bersedia dan sudah pun menolak hajatnya dengan baik. Dalam keadaan seperti ini, jika suami tidak memahaminya, isteri boleh membawanya ke mahkamah dan mahkamah pasti akan memberikan pertimbangan yang sewajarnya.
Namun begitu pangertian nafkah batin bukanlah berkisar perlakuan seksual semata-mata. Seks hanya salah satu cabang bagi maksud nafkah batin, selain seks berkongsi masalah, mendengar luahan isteri, berbual dan bermesra serta mendidik ajaran agama terhadap isteri juga termasuk dalam definisi nafkah batin.
Rujukan : Robiatul Adawiyah Mohd Kolej Universiti Islam Malaysia
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Alhamdulillah, Aina is getting better… “Hari ni belajar. Semua anak abah belajar ok. Cukup2 cuti tengok tv”. I told my daughters. Well that’s my life, if one of my daughters is sick; the rest will take extra holidays watching tv and dvd. Ha ha ha kids, further tak ada orang monitor.….
Well last night is Razis Ismail night, I can’t stop listening to it till this morning. Hadirmu Membawa Sinaran – lama lagu ni…. Nice to go back to the past…. It’s 80’s one of top songs…. Thanks FWT….. like it like it.. love it…..
Well since we are in on the subject. It is difficult to explain… Everyone is always going through tough things; fitrah allah swt, me recently as example, but the irony in it is that everyone thinks what they're going through is just too hard. Life isn't about surviving the tough things, it's about understanding it, accept it and live with it so it becomes a lesson to learn which at the end - wisdom.
The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it. Everyone wants pretty much the same thing, to be happy. Some people think that happiness lay somewhere in the future, while some believed they lay in the past. If ask me, mine, well it’s now. I find that I don’t need to go back to the past. It’s history, over and done with. Now it’s about the future, my life and my kids. Life, I've learned, is never fair. That is why I talked about Redha & Pasrah.
As bad as it was, I learned something about myself. That I could go through something like that and survive. I mean, I know it could have been worse, a lot worse, but for me, it was all I could have handled and I learned from it. As do you FWT….
The simple truth is that sometimes the most ordinary things could be made extraordinary, simply by doing them with the right people. Take it slow and easy. Back to Allah swt. In him you will find peace and answer what you are looking for. I am sorry if I could not be much help, but I believe, and everything that happened, there will be a good reason… hikmah. Yakin dan percaya. Kita ada agama and agama kita islam.
“ Allah tidak memberati seseorang melainkan apa yang terdaya olehnya. Ia mendapat pahala kebaikan yang diusahakannya, dan ia juga menanggung dosa kejahatan yang diusahakannya. (Mereka berdoa dengan berkata): "Wahai Tuhan kami! Janganlah Engkau mengirakan kami salah jika kami lupa atau kami tersalah. Wahai Tuhan kami ! Janganlah Engkau bebankan kepada kami bebanan yang berat sebagaimana yang telah Engkau bebankan kepada orang-orang yang terdahulu daripada kami. Wahai Tuhan kami! Janganlah Engkau pikulkan kepada kami apa yang kami tidak terdaya memikulnya. Dan maafkanlah kesalahan kami, serta ampunkanlah dosa kami, dan berilah rahmat kepada kami. Engkaulah Penolong kami; oleh itu, tolonglah kami untuk mencapai kemenangan terhadap kaum-kaum yang kafir".
Al-Baqarah 286
I know now everyone can truly change. The history has taught me much about myself, and a few general truths. I learned that if feelings are broken, it is not easy to heal. I know and accepted the process of healing will take time.
But most of all, I learned that to some people it's possible to fall in love all over again, even when there's been a lifetime of disappointment because she is with someone now. To me however…, You live only once, you die only once and you love only once…. True love…..
Well…. It’s only my opinion.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I remember when I watched “Ombak Rindu” there were scene where Izza and Mila sitting down near padi field and they talk about “Redha” and “Pasrah”. The definitions for both words are true and correct.
Redha bererti menerima suatu perkara ketentuan Allah swt dengan lapang dada tanpa merasa kecewa ataupun tertekan dan penerimaan yang ikhlas. Namun segala usaha akan dilakukan untuk merubah kehidupan yang lebih baik.
Pasrah bererti menerima kenyataan begitu saja tanpa ada usaha untuk mengubahnya, rela dalam paksaan.
Anyway, thinking of what had happen to me…. being left alone, daughters not well, financially extremely bad, saya REDHA. Saya akan berusaha lebih kuat untuk memperbaiki kehidupan.
Aina just got well, I hope and really really pray to Allah swt that this will be the last test given and many more good things to come. 4 days in the hospital. I thank Allah and my doa’s that I have the strength to face any of Allah test in future.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Suatu hari ayah Harun di panggil guru besar sekolah kerana Harun didapati selalu meniru di dalam ujian. Setiap kali ujian, Harun didakwa selalu duduk disebelah kawan baiknya Samsul.
Ayah: Saya tak percaya anak saya meniru setiap kali ujian!
Cikgu: Betul encik.kami bukan tuduh begitu sahaja.
Ayah: Ape buktinya?
Cikgu: Nah,ini buktinya kalo encik tak percaya tengoklah sendiri.
Ayah Harun melihat kertas jawapan Harun dan Samsul;
Soalan pertama: Siapakah bapa kemerdekaan Malaysia?
Harun dan Samsul memberikan jawapan yang sama iaitu Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra.
Ayah: Memanglah jawapan mereka sama. Macam mana cikgu kata anak saya meniru?
Cikgu: Sabar encik, cuba encik lihat soalan kedua.
Ayah Harun melihat soalan kedua: Pada tahun berapakah negara kita mencapai
Sekali lagi Harun dan Samsul memberikan jawapan yang sama: 31 Ogos 1957.
Ayah Harun sekali lagi marah,tetapi ditenteramkan untuk terus membaca
Soalan ketiga: Siapakah yang duduk disebelah Tunku Abdul Rahman di stadium merdeka?
Samsul menulis jawapanya :maaf, saya tak tahu
Harun menulis: kalau kau tak tahu aku lagi tak tahu!!
Dilema Ayam dan Lembu
Ayam : Manusia ni memang pentingkan diri sendiri!
Lembu : Kenapa kau kata macam tu?
Ayam : Tengoklah. Apa mereka buat kat aku!
Lembu : Hah! Buat apa pulak?
Ayam : Aku ni bertelur hari-hari. Aku cadang naklah dapat anak dua tiga ekor. Orang kata ada juga waris aku bila aku dah tak de nanti. Tapi manusia ni memang tak berhati perut. Hari-hari dia orang makan telor aku,macamana aku nak dapat anak?
Lembu : Alah! Kau punya masaalah kecil jek!
Ayam : ?? Maksud kau?
Lembu : Aku ni, kalau fikirkan nasib aku lagi malang. Rasa nak bunuh diri pun ada.Bayangkan, hari-hari manusia minum susu aku tapi sorang pun tak pernah panggil aku MAK!
Seorang nenek yang sedang nazak didatangi cucunya Mamod, tiba2 nenek terketar2 dan memberi isyarat meminta kertas dari Mamod mahu menulis sesuatu. Setelah menulis , diberikanya kepada Mamod.
Mamod agak terkejut seolah-olah dipilih untuk memegang amanah wasiat, simpan kertas itu dengan baik tanpa membaca dan memberitahu keluarganya.
Selang seminggu kematian neneknya , Mamod dengan bangganya pun memberitahu ahli keluarga supaya berkumpul.
"Sebelum arwah meninggal ada ditinggalkan wasiatnya pada saya".
Mamod pun membaca surat yg berbunyi: "Woit Mamod, jgn pijak getah oksigen tu, aku tak dapat bernafas, nak kiok dah ni!!"
Seorang pegawai polis masuk ke bilik mayat sebuah hospital untuk menyiasat punca kematian tiga lelaki sekaligus. Selepas memeriksa mayat-mayat itu, dia bertanya kepada penjaga bilik berkenaan.
Polis : Mengapa ketiga-tiga mayat tersenyum?
Penjaga : Lelaki pertama sedang bersanding, apabila tiba2 diserang strok. Lelaki kedua pula khabarnya menang loteri dan mati serangan sakit jantung manakala yg ketiga disambar petir.
Polis : Hah! Kenapa disambar petir pun tersenyum?
Penjaga : Masa tu dia ingat orang sedang ambil gambarnya...
Udin pergi berjumpa doktor mengeluh tentang isterinya yang sudah hilang pendengaran.
"Seberapa burukkah pendengarannya?" tanya doktor.
"Entahlah, Doktor. Yang jelas saya mesti menjerit kalau nak berbual dengannya."
"Okey, cuba buat macam nie. Berdiri sejauh 6 meter darinya, lalu katakana sesuatu. Kalau dia tak boleh dengar kamu, berdirilah lebih dekat sedikit darinya, lalu katakan yang kamu katakan tadi. Kalau dia tidak juga dengar, dekatkan jarak sedikit demi sedikit. Dengan begitu saya akan tahu berapa jarak maksima pendengarannya."
Maka, Udin pulang ke rumah dan mendapati isterinya sedang memasak di dapur. Dari
jarak 6 meter ia berteriak, "Makan apa kita malam ini?" Tak ada jawapan. Lalu dia jalan depan sedikit lagi, berhenti di jarak 5 meter dan menanyakan hal yang sama. Juga tak terdengar jawapan. Begitu juga pada jarak 3 meter.
Akhirnya, ia berdiri di samping isterinya.
"Makan apa kita malam ini?" katanya separuh menjerit.
Si isteri dengan mata yang berlinangan dengan air mata, lalu menjerit:
"Untuk keempat kalinya aku beritahu, KARI KAMBING!!!!"
I hope I give you a laugh, if not… a smile…. :-)