I hate being in position that I have to choose. For me it's nonsense because I am old enough to choose how my life should be. But apparently many said that I may not know what is the best. When you come to a junction, and if you know the way, of course you are going to make the right choice, but being human we are always tend to choose wrong from right. But that is call learning by experience (I see that way). And if it is a wrong choice we learn form it and try to make better.
Few days I have made myself busy with work. There is a lot plan for the future. Plus all of of the above, I have to think about the future. My own family. My daughters for the year coming with big exams and responsibility. I will try to make it better I will try to make good for what I had. For the pass years my story, well, almost the same. Some decisions are made when it was needed. I don't care about consequences. Desperate time calls for desperate measure.
But now things are different. I have my family to think of. When I said my family, it is all about my daughters. Their future. I don't want them to end up like me. The never ending story person. I couldn't' sleep last night. And yes after so much of experience which I am proudly to say that I have tried everything and anything for the past years. I am now capitulate to Allah's will.