Tuesday, April 19, 2011



First and foremost saya nak mintak maaf pada BLOG saya pasal lama tak tulis BLOG. So now I start writting. Funny I havent sleep the wole last night pun saya ok lagi. Malam ni try tak tidur kali kedua pulak.

Oh yaaaaaa.. my blog will be open for public view soon as I am single mingle.

Oklah. Will keep on writting.


Monday, April 18, 2011


Assalamualaikum I have been looking for so long this songs. Have planned to give to LOML. But she left. Worst under my nose.... apa bodoh sangat ke saya ni???? saya kalau jadi cikgu saya nak ajar murid saya satu rangkap ayat " HARI INI HARI BODOH SAYA, SAYA BODOH, SAYA DI PERBODOHKAN" ha ha ha. Anyway, someone told me before... when you fall in love, you just fall..... even you know that if you hit something hard at the bottom, it will be hurtful.


Assalamualaikum I learn a new word, DUPLICITY - I shall remember this word forever. Wassalam



In life there so much thing that you can control. Especially how you want to handled situation that effect you life. In Islam you are asked to believe to 6 fundamental of iman and one of it is Qada' and Qadar which translate as the faith good and bad , destiny that Allah swt has decreed.

For that I, as a Muslim bound to believe that all have been faithed as it is. I have fought for many-many years just to find happiness. But again I just have this problem of not having it yet totally. I do also believe in anything bad or good there will be a hikmah~translated as the power of Allah giving good in any bad or good things happening in life. For that I am thankful.

Just sharing.


Monday, April 11, 2011



It has been a while since I last update my blogs. Not that I don't have anything to say or write. Just that I was frustrated as my life have not changed much. However every sky has it's silver line they said. Mine was Orange and Whitey. Alhamdulillah new things has come in my life.

Orange of course for me and whitey is for my daughters. Saya bersyukur sangat2 pada Allah swt. I hope many good things to come.

But honestly, I am still sad as I am still alone without the LOML.
